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OGDCL Internship Program Pakistan 2024


OGDCL Internship Program 2024 is a golden opportunity for new applicants who have recently passed their bachelor’s degree. This internship program is inviting young students to build a good future by continuing their studies by working at a well-settled place. During this internship program, the young talented applicants will be able to secure their future by getting good training and continuing their studies. This internship program will also show a practical model that how they change the minds of fresh applicants toward a good future. This program will enable the applicants to get settled in their jobs and they do not need to worry about after completing their studies. All the applicants can apply for this internship program without any type of distinction. This opportunity is calling every Pakistan to brighten its future and set the aims of life.

OGDCL Internship Program is a paid internship program with a duration period of almost 1 year, the fresh candidates with bachelor’s degrees can shine and improve their skills by working here. In OGDCL all the activities are performed in collaboration in this collaboration there are 76 percent of the shares are of the Government of Pakistan and the remaining shares are of the other private sectors of Pakistan, the applicants will get experience while they work with both private and government sector at OGDCL. By working with this internship program the applicants will learn about different techniques that are given as exploring, refining, drilling, and selling oil, etc. Because this company provides these all techniques.

OGDCL is the well-known and biggest company in Pakistan in proving the regularization of oil and gas in the capitalization of Pakistan. This company also has a name because it is counted among the world’s best two thousand companies in providing gas and oil. Because of the huge reputation of the company applicants from all over Pakistan are interested in applying for this internship. This internship program provides a huge opportunity to learn advanced business strategies and to perform practically your outstanding skills on this platform. The students will also experience working with other companies with OGDCL. Currently, there are about sixteen companies working with OGDCL.

Country Offering: Pakistan

Organization Name: OGDCL or Oil and Gas Development Company Limited

Internship Period: The duration of this internship is 1 year.

CHECK: Singapore International Graduate Award | Funded 

No. of Seats Available:

This internship program has provided 300 Seats for young bachelor students.

  1. KPK: 60 seats
  2. Sindh:60 seats
  3. Baluchistan: 60 seats
  4. Punjab:60 seats
  5. FATA: 20 seats
  6. AJK:20 seats
  7. Gilgit Baltistan:20 seats

Eligible Programs:

1) Engineering Degrees in the following fields:

  1. Petroleum
  2. Chemical
  3. Electrical & Electronics
  4. Mechanical & Mechatronics
  5. Civil

2) M.S / BS degrees are in:

  1. Geophysics
  2. Geological engineering, Geology
  3. Finance, Marketing, SCM
  4. ICMA, ACCA, M. Com

3) MBA or BBA (Hon.) in

  1. HR
  2. Marketing or SCM

Benefits of OGDCL Internship Pakistan

  • The applicants will get 40,000 PKR every month.
  • The applicants have a golden chance to make their studies practical
  • You can work and practice for 1 year using this internship.
  • This program will open new vistas of employment in different available companies.

Eligibility Criteria of OGDCL Internship Pakistan

  • You need to be a fresh candidate if you want to apply.
  • You have to provide the relevant degree proofs that are mentioned below.
  • There is also an age restriction, so you must be under thirty years if you want to apply
  • Girls and boys are equally eligible for OGDCL internships.
  • Your percentage of marks must be above sixty percent if you are interested in applying for this internship.
  • Applicants with residents near OGDCL offices have a higher chance of their selected.
  • Students’ degrees must be completed before Sept 28, to fulfill the eligibility.
  • Vaccination of applicants must be completed if they want to sit in the examination hall.

Method to Apply for OGDCL Internship Pakistan

  • The candidates have to visit the official site of NTS if they want to apply.
  • Fill out the challan form which will be provided by the NTS and submit it ASAP.
  • You can submit this challan of fee in any Branch of MCB and MEEZAN bank in any city of Pakistan,
  • You have to fill out the application form which will be provided on the site of NTS.
  • Now download the print of this filled form and TCS or send it by another source of NTS Headquarters, Plot #96, Street #04, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad, Before the due date.
  • You have to appear physically in the exam on the mentioned date on the NTS form.
  • You will be informed before the exam date.

Application Deadline

  • The last date to apply for the OGDCL Internship Program is Sep 28.
APPLY HERE                                    OFFICIAL SITE

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